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6 things you need to know to manage AI agents

高效管理 AI 代理不仅能提高客户服务效率,还能提升客户满意度,并为企业创造更高的业务价值。

The AI customer service transformation of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, using Mixdesk instead of Zendesk, has drastically reduced its overall cost by 1.5 times!

K司是全球头部数字加密货币交易所,日均交易百亿规模,每日客服咨询量高达10000次。此前长期依赖传统客服系统Zendesk,但面临诸多痛点,切换成 Mixdesk 后综合成本锐减1.5倍,客户服务满意度高达98%!

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The success of WhatsApp marketing depends not only on the advantages of the platform itself, but also on how to use the right tools and strategies to convert potential customers into loyal users.

Highly recognized by Research, a well-known evaluation agency: How Mixdesk AI subverts the customer service industry

近日,Mixdesk 获得权威评测机构 的高度认可,这款以"销冠级AI客服"为核心的产品正在颠覆传统客户服务模式。我们与行业专家深入探讨,看看它凭什么被称为客服领域的规则改变者。

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6 things you need to know to manage AI agents

高效管理 AI 代理不仅能提高客户服务效率,还能提升客户满意度,并为企业创造更高的业务价值。

AI Customer Service Evolution Theory: Working Principle, Business Practice and Future Service Ecology Outlook


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以实战视角,深入解析多语言 AI 客服机器人从技术选型到落地运营的全流程。

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